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Jobs at Workforce Software Karachi Great compensation

There are a few job vacancies at Workforce Software, Karachi Office that offers great above market compensation. Send at if you are interested.

Here are the job descriptions for entry level and experienced Web Developers and experienced Java Developers:

1. Entry Level Web Developer:
• JavaScript, CSS, and HTML are no match for your awesomeness.
• You get excited about HTML5 and CSS3.
• You know JavaScript is a real language with real power for those who know how to use it.
• You are excited about the promise of IE9 and hope everyone on IE6 (and 7 and 8, while we're at it) adopts it as soon as possible.
• You want to wow users with the usability and capability of your solutions.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
• Knowledge of Tomcat or other Java application servers with some Java programming experience
• Knowledge of Struts and Velocity Apache projects
• Demonstrated ability to write sound and readable programs and build reusable and understandable web-pages
• 4 Year Degree
Apply at WorkForce Software

2. Experienced Web Developer:
• You can bend JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to your will.
• You love semantic markup, but you are also pragmatic enough to know when to give up and just use tables.
• You get excited about HTML5 and CSS3.
• You know JavaScript is a real language with real power for those who know how to use it.
• You know why !0!=!"0" and why you should guard your closures.
• You understand the power of libraries like Ext JS, but also their drawbacks.
• You are excited about the promise of IE9 and hope everyone on IE6 (and 7 and 8, while we're at it) adopts it as soon as possible.
• You wow users with the usability and capability of your solutions.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
• Advanced creative design to create visually appealing web-pages
• Knowledge of Tomcat or other Java application servers with some Java programming experience
• Knowledge of Struts and Velocity Apache projects
• Background with Java programming
• Knowledge of Struts and Velocity
• Demonstrated ability to write sound and readable programs and build reusable and understandable web-pages
• 4 Year Degree
Apply at WorkForce Software

3. Experienced Java Developer:
• Developing large-scale applications
• Designing and testing systems with large data throughput and capacity needs
• Troubleshooting performance related issues on medium to large scale projects
• HTML, JSP, and Perl
• Both Linux and Windows environments deploying Java systems
• 2-5 years hands-on Java development (or equivalent C++ or C# experience)
• Strong computer science fundamentals including advanced data structures, algorithms, and multi-threading
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills
• Four-year Computer Science degree, or equivalent
• Knowledge of Tomcat or WebSphere application servers
• Knowledge of Struts or Velocity Apache projects
• Familiarity with SQL, application servers, and servlets
Apply at WorkForce Software

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